09:30 - 10:15
Registration and Coffee
10:15 - 12:00
Workshop I – Ultrasonography in Hypertension
Workshop II – Assessment of HMOD – cIMT, PWV, PWA - Parallel Workshops in one Session. PWA and PWV Measured with Vicorder
12:10 - 13:10
Opening Ceremony
Joseph Flynn, USA
Brian Rayner, South Africa
Mieczyslaw Litwin, Poland
Opening Notes and Welcome
Mieczyslaw Litwin, Poland
Lecture 1
Developmental Origins of Arterial Hypertension
Lecture 2
Personalized Approach to Treatment of Hypertension
Brian Rayner, South Africa
13:15 - 15:00
Session 1 - Pathophysiology of Hypertension - 1 Chairs: Ruan Kruger, South Africa & Elke Wuhl, Germany
Early Life Exposure to Risk Factors and Blood Pressure in Childhood
The Immune System in Hypertension
Mieczyslaw Litwin, Poland
The Role of the Nervous System in Hypertension - Renal Denervation in Hypertension and CKD
Early Programming of Hypertension
Bonita Falkner, USA
Pharmacogenetics of Hypertension
Brian Rayner, South Africa
15:-00 - 15:45
13:15 - 15:00
Session 2 - Pathophysiology of Hypertension -2 Chairs: Manish Sinha, UK & Stella Stabouli, Greece
Early Vascular Aging
Ruan Kruger, South Africa
Haemodynamics of HTN
Manish Sinha, UK
Uric Acid and Hypertension
Daniel Feig, USA
17:15 - 18:30
Session 3 - Sleep Disordered Breathing and Hypertension Chairs: Daniel Feig, USA & Tomas Seeman, Czech Republic
OSAS and Arterial Hypertension - Scope of the Problem
OSAS - Pediatric Perspective
How to Diagnose and How to Treat
08:30 - 10:00
Session 4 - Measurement of Blood Pressure and Beyond – New Techniques Chairs: Tomas Seeman, Czech Republic & Stella Stabouli, Greece
What Blood Pressure Standards Should Be Used?
Bonita Falkner, USA
Alternative Ways to Measure BP – Cuff-less and Other New Tech
Automated Office BP Measurement or Auscultatory
Stella Stabouli, Greece
Blood Pressure Phenotypes - Does it Matter?
Janusz Feber, Canada
ABPM and How to Assure Quality
Elke Wuhl, Germany
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:15
Session 5 - HMOD Chair: Janusz Feber, Canada
What Blood Pressure Standards Should Be Used?
Bonita Falkner, USA
Alternative Ways to Measure BP – Cuff-less and Other New Tech
Automated Office BP Measurement or Auscultatory
Stella Stabouli, Greece
Blood Pressure Phenotypes - Does it Matter?
Janusz Feber, Canada
ABPM and How to Assure Quality
Elke Wuhl, Germany
12:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 15:00
Session 6 - Arterial Hypertension in Specific Situations Chair: Mark Mitsnefes, USA
Hypertension in CKD and Renoprotection
Elke Wuhl, Germany
Management of Hypertension on Dialysis
Mark Mitsnefes, USA
Hypertension after Solid Organ Transplantation
Tomas Seeman, Czech Republic
Blood Pressure Control in T1DM and T2DM
Blood Pressure During Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Lukasz Obrycki, Poland
15:00 - 15:30
17:15 - 18:30
Session 7 - Scientific Abstract Presentation Session Chair: Mieczyslaw Litwin, Poland
15:30 - 17.00
Oral presentations
17:30 - 18:30
Moderated Posters with Coffee
Mark Mitsnefes, USA & Elke Wuhl, Germany

Preliminary Program