Workshop I – Ultrasonography in Hypertension 
 Workshop II – Assessment of HMOD – cIMT, PWV, PWA – parallel workshops in one session. PWA and PWV measured with Vicorder. 
 SESSION TOPIC: Pathophysiology of Hypertension – 1 
1Genetics of HTN  
2Metabolomics and the Metabolic Syndrome 
3The Immune System in Hypertension 
4The Role of the Nervous System in Hypertension   
 SESSION TOPIC: Pathophysiology of Hypertension -2 
1Early Vascular Aging  
2Haemodynamics of HTN 
3Central Blood Pressure  
4Adversity in Childhood and Cardiovascular Risk  
 SESSION TOPIC: Opening ceremony and key-note Lectures 
1Lecture 1 
2Lecture 2 
 SESSION TOPIC: Measurement of Blood Pressure and Beyond – New TechniquesSPEAKER:
1Alternative Ways to Measure BP – Cuff-less and other New Tech 
2Automated office BP Measurement 
3 24-hour ABPM, cBP and PWV using MobiloGraph 
 SESSION TOPIC: Diagnosis of Hypertension 
1Diagnostic Evaluation – Basic or Extensive? 
2Assessment of HMOD and Impact of HMOD on Management 
3Monogenic Hypertension and Long-term Management 
 SESSION TOPIC: Treatment of Primary Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome
1Lifestyle Modification in the Management of HTN 
2Treatment with anti-HTN 
3Management of Side Effects and Adverse Reactions to anti-HTN 
 Workshop III – 24-hour ABPM and Interpretation 
 Workshop IV – Assessment of HMOD – Echocardiography 
 SESSION TOPIC: Secondary HypertensionSPEAKER:
1Renovascular Hypertension and MAS –  What is New? 
2Hypertension in Aortic Coarctation Longer Term Outcomes 
3Uric acid and Role in the Management of Hypertension 
4Endocrine Hypertension including Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma 
5Primary Aldosteronism 
 SESSION TOPIC: Hypertension in Special Situations 
1Hypertensive Emergency   
2Neonatal Hypertension  
3Hypertension in the Athlete 
 SESSION TOPIC: Blood Pressure Management in CKD 
1New Guidelines and Treatment Options in in Renoprotection for Childhood CKD 
2How do we Achieve Renoprotection 
3Management of Hypertension in Dialysis  
4Blood Pressure Control in T1DM and T2DM